N头条>英语词典>verge on翻译和用法

verge on

英 [vɜːdʒ ɒn]

美 [vɜːrdʒ ɑːn]

极其接近; 濒于


  • PHRASAL VERB 极其接近;濒于
    If someone or somethingverges ona particular state or quality, they are almost the same as that state or quality.
    1. ...a fury that verged on madness...
    2. Her speaking voice verges on the ridiculous.


  • The warm trend of spring temperature will decelerate, or verge on stochastic variation even more, namely, We can't confirm whether warm or cold in future.
  • The international financial crisis and especially GE Corporation on the verge of bankruptcy due to financial business and other factors, arouses public concern and reflection on the pattern of industrial and financial capital combination again.
  • But now perhaps we are at a most critical point on the verge of controlling nature and on the brink of destroying it.
  • When that happened, the losing group burned the flag of the winning group and raided their camp; the two groups were on the verge of declaring all-out war on each other.
  • In a further move to bolster prices, the government is rumoured to be on the verge of reducing a stamp tax on transactions.
  • It was on the verge of defaulting on its international debt.
  • Her speaking voice verges on the ridiculous.
  • One state politician has already been forced to resign after describing them as a small incident; another appears to be on the verge of going after taking a movie director and his actor son on a voyeuristic tour of the Taj following the attacks.
  • Silicon Valley is on the verge of a new bout of Wall Street fever, as private technology companies rush to cash in on the first signs of stock market interest in initial public offerings for more than two years, according to venture capitalists.
  • With Carlos Tevez on the verge of signing for Manchester United on loan from West Ham united, two ex-players have offered their opinion on the dimunitive argentine.